MSC’s Toft Predicts Fragmented Supply Chains and aFocus on Direct Port Calls

MSC’s CEO, Soren Toft, expects global supply chains to become more fragmented, leading shippers to favor direct port calls over speed.

Speaking at the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH) World Port Conference, Toft said, “Supply chains are no longer centered around just a few countries, and no longer rely on one or two major markets, but are becoming more dispersed and we believe that requires a broader port coverage in the network”. Toft said the shift was not attributable to near-shoring.

MSC’s new 2025 service network with 1,900 direct port combinations serves clients who seek “…certainty of a direct destination call, and that direct connections are more important than speed – ours is a network that reflects the future of a more dispersed supply chain,” Toft said.

Toft also spoke of MSC’s significant investments in ports and terminals to drive efficiency across the whole network. Additionally, he urged the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to speed up global decarbonization regulations, emphasizing the need for consistency across regions.

Source: The Loadstar

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